Logistic Company
KIL was established and registered on 09/09/2015 under company registration Serial N0: 350768. Its Company Code number is: 103745842 and also serves as Company Tax Identification Number (TIN). The Executive Chairman Mr. BAFAKULERA Robert, also the over-all Head, decides ON ALL Company matters upon prior consultation with the Managing Director (MD), Miss. KALEMERA Peninah. The latter being the Company MD, is also charged with overseeing the day-to-day management of Company activities. She is assisted by the General Manager (GM), the Director of Finance and Administration (DAF) and various other Heads of Company Divisions (HD), Departments and Sections and tens of others in the auxiliary staff.
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Thousands of projects have made our company a leader in construction area. We stand behind our promise to deliver timely and quality service.